Fall 2013 - Network Principles in Play: Practices to Ignite and Nourish the Common Good
"Would you like to gain more traction in your change efforts? Do you want to learn how to use network principles to liberate passion and collective creativity in your groups and organizations? Are you ready to stretch your personal skills to ignite innovation in your work for the common good?" Click here to read about some of the lessons learned.
Fall 2006 - Inspired Action:
The Power to Make a Difference |
Spring 2006 -
The Sustainability Confluence “How do we come together to accelerate the sustainability movement in the Puget Sound region?” Participants were invited to apply for seed funding to work on collaborative projects to advance sustainability in the region. The Center also published a white paper on Leadership for Sustainability.
Spring 2004 - Strengthening our Community: Building Authentic Relationships and Exploring
Issues of Trust "How can we strengthen our communities by moving to a new level of authentic relationship?" Click here to see a mind map created at the Confluence.
Spring 2002 - Exploring the Common Good: Making Community that Works
"How can we deepen and build off the feelings of compassion, community and connectedness that we felt after September 11, 2001 to create a community that works for all people?" View the Spiral Dynamics Flower model of community, and read the description of how to interpret the model.
Fall 2000 - Working for the Common Good: Uniting to End Poverty
“What are the patterns that perpetuate poverty and what are the points that if leveraged properly could break the cycle?” View the Poverty Systems Map created by the participants from this Confluence. The systems map show both positive and negative feedback loops related to poverty from a variety of different areas.
Fall 1999 - Closing the Income Gap:
A Focus on Equity and the Common Good "What can we do to ensure equity for all our citizens?"