Keynote Addresses Given by Center Staff
Gracious Space:
Working Better Together Humanities Montana;
American Leadership Forum of Tacoma; Bellevue Community College |
Creating Cultures of Integrity:
Moving Values Into Action Northwest Human Resources
Management Association |
Communication and Gracious Space
Northern Westchester Hospital,
Mt. Kisco, NY |
Community Building
Tacoma Community College
Learning in Public with Gracious Space
People for Puget Sound
Appreciative Inquiry: Reclaiming Our Strengths and Aligning for Action
Lake Washington
Technical College |
Values-Based Decision Making
WA State Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities
Living a life for others – showing up in hard places
Pacific Lutheran University
Alumni Dinner |
Creating new civic space in a time of public skepticism
Greater Woodinville Rotary Club
From vulnerable to powerful – why collective leadership matters
Conference on “Honouring Social Inclusion” hosted by An Cosan, Dublin, Ireland
Reclaiming integrity, trust and connection in a time of economic collapse
Chamber of Commerce,
Battle Creek, MI |
Reclaiming our ethical leadership
Rotary Club of SeaTac
Ethical leadership to advance the common good
Overlake School,
Seattle WA |
Courageous collaboration – Tapping the collective creativity of people in a strikingly diverse and interconnected world
Teaching moral courage
and openness Eastside Catholic School, Bellevue WA