Common Good Fellows
Making decisions where we choose the environment over convenience, people over profit, and love over hate.
In a world filled with us-them thinking, leading can become complex. How do we gather in a way that produces results? The Center distinguishes itself with a leadership model that does just that. We offer a process for leaders to lead more effectively through the Common Good Fellows.
The Common Good Fellows, formerly the Citizen Leaders Institute is CEL's signature program that incorporates over 30 years of experience through our services, programs, and community engagement. Everyday, leaders:
This program offer Fellows with research based proven methods to enhance their leadership practices. Diving deeper into CEL's values-based leadership approach where one is attuned to those around them and create cultures that support successful and sustainable outcomes. Common Good Fellows Program Outcomes:
Interested? Contact CEL staff to learn more. This program can be adapted specifically for groups. There are opportunities to invest and support the Common Good Fellows and the movement. Contact Alice for more information. |